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A Boutique for the Coordinated Dog & Owner

The Full Story
High School Fundraisers
Let's make this easy! Your students do not need to spend their time going door to door to sell, no delivery, no handling inventory and matching orders to inventory. Just share your code with your students and parents. They can shop online and order at their will...a percentage of every item will be sent to the high school sponsoring the fundraiser!

How it works...
Share your high schools code with everyone. Even relatives in other States can order, and your high school gets a percentage...It is as easy as that...share a code. We will work with your fundraising committee to develop school specific items to offer along with our regular line of collars and leads. All items are included in the fundraiser. This is per item, not per sale.
Items 0-$15..........school gets $2.50
Items $16-30....... school gets $5.00
Items $31 to 60...school gets $10.00
Items over $60.....school get $15.00
and person ordering gets 5% off their entire order for participating!

High School Codes
John Bapst High School, Bangor, Maine ...Code CRUSADERS24